Energizers.com is the best site on the internet for everything involving energizers, icebreakers, fun ways to split your team into smaller groups, and is an all-round toolbox for team leaders, teachers, managers, speakers and everyone who wishes to engage, entertain and motivate a crowd.
The fastest, easiest way for you to battle boring meetings!
Filter through our energizers with the search engine, saving you hours of internet browsing only to discover, that the energizer you found just doesn't fit your group. Here it's quick, easy and always relevant!
Don't worry about having to create your own handouts. We've already created the handouts for you, and you can simply click the download button, hit print, and you're ready to distribute to your team.
Our energizers provide you with a facilitation guide, to help you with ways to incorporate the energizer into the specific topic you're working on. Strategy, communication and values are just a few examples.
We update our site every month, providing you with new energizers for your toolbox. With this, we make sure you never run out of fun, powerful and relevant ways, to engage, motivate and win the crowd.
A few facts about us and energizers.com
Including handouts, video, facilitation guides and more
Among others; UK, US, Brazil, Spain, Germany and The Nordics
With motivational speaking, teambuilding and as instructors.
More than 72.000 participant engaged

Get your hands on the most powerful energizers collection available on the internet today!
Subscription includes:
(Both monthly and yearly)
- Full access to 100+ energizers
- Advanced search engine
- Facilitation guides
- Easy to print handouts
- Unlimited access
- Classroom editions
- Responsive (optimized for all devices)
Monthly (recurring)
$6$72/per year
- Cancel at any time
- Risk free
Yearly (recurring)
$48$4/per month
- Best deal
- Lowest monthly price
- Cancel at any time
After years of experience with thousands of participants at conferences, meetings, sales training, kick-offs and much more, we’ve decided to share some of our experiences and tools on the internet, to help battle boring meetings and help presenters, speakers, trainers, teachers, managers and more, to deliver more powerful and engaging sessions and meetings.
Win the Crowd!
- Support: +45 4710 1147
- Working Time: Mon–Fri: 10:00–16:00 (GMT+1)
- E-mail: support@energizers.com
Subscribe to us to always stay in touch with us and get the latest news about our energizers and other tools!
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Energizers.com – Win the Crowd!