
Split your group into teams of 6-10 people. Hand them a ball and ask them to pass the ball around as quickly as possible twice, with at least two people touching the ball before any individual touches the ball again.

Draw it Out

See how well participants can communicate simple illustrations to each other. How well are they able to describe something they see, and how well will the other person be able to replicate it.

Together we are Unique

Get each person to find out that they as individuals, while having things in common with their colleagues, also possess strengths unique to themselves, which adds to the strengths of the group.


This is a fun little energizer which demonstrates how many of us work really hard to be as efficient as possible, but in that sometimes miss little details which would have made the entire process a lot faster.

Curve Ball

With this, you can show how information which is actually helpful and supposed to make things easier, at first might make simple tasks (routine) take longer.